

Sports – for Improved Focus

Sports and the promotion of physical exercise from Preschool to Secondary School are integral parts of the education at accadis ISB. Especially in the Preschool and Primary Class it is essential for children to be active as much as possible and to let off steam outdoors. Equally, Elementary and Secondary School students benefit from physical activities which help them to concentrate in lessons. Physical Education classes as well as afternoon sports courses take place in the accadis ISB sports hall or outside facilities. Internationally trained teachers guarantee well-structured and quality Physical Education classes.

Working Digitally – Responsibly


It is important to us that our students act safely and responsibly when using digital media. Digital media have become an integral part of children's and adults' everyday lives and it is therefore our aim to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the digital age and to support them in developing their skills in this area.

Digital media complement our analogue offer. We know full well that the use of digital media alone does not automatically increase the learning outcomes of the students. Specialist knowledge, pedagogical skill and methodological competence of the teacher are, and remain, central to learning success.

Our school is well equipped, with Wi-Fi and smartboards in all classrooms as well as flexible use of laptops in class.

lego robotics

As early as Grade 1, the children use learning programmes and are introduced to IT topics on a project or subject basis.

Specific IT lessons begin in Grade 5. The teacher links her thematic focus to the other subjects and thus offers relevant content which is of practical use to the students as they tackle their project work. Of course, a variety of IT techniques are also practised, for example programming using Lego Robotics and an introduction to 3D printing and Computer Aided Design (CAD).

Teaching materials and supplementary resources are provided flexibly at accadis, e.g. in an electronic classroom within the framework of the cloud-based platform Google Workspace for Education. These materials can be easily shared with a learning group and edited and returned by individual students. The teacher in turn provides feedback and further suggestions.

The children and teenagers are made aware of the possibilities and dangers of Internet use in an age-appropriate manner, e.g. through the 'Internet ABC' in Elementary School and in IT lessons at the Secondary School. At accadis ISB, systems are in place to minimise potential dangers in advance: Filters in the school network and restrictions deemed necessary for child protection, e.g. SafeSearch, are in place. We encourage parents and guardians to also address these issues at home when a child uses private digital devices.

At accadis ISB, technology is not only used by students, but also by parents, on the school's own intranet. The accadis ISB Parents Portal offers an easy way to access information regarding their children's school life and to get in touch with teachers and school management.

Creativity at Every Age


From Kindergarten to Secondary School, we encourage creativity in our students. All students enjoy Art and Music lessons throughout the school year up to Grade 10, exceeding the requirements of the Hessian framework curriculum. Our students' enthusiasm for creative activities is also reflected in their lively participation in additional activities: in the school's own Elementary and Secondary School choirs, the band and the theatre club.

Creating and rehearsing in well-equipped art and music rooms is a joy for students and teachers alike. In our newly built accadium, a large performance space with room for more than 200 spectators, our students show off their talents to an enthusiastic audience.

Fun and relaxation with school dog Chewie

schulhund chewie

Please allow us to introduce Chewbacca (Chewie), a small but precious member of the accadis family. Chewie belongs to the Maltipoo breed, which is particularly suitable as a school dog. His owner, Ilka Schneider, is an Elementary School teacher at accadis International School who teaches Mathematics, German and Sachunterricht. Chewie accompanies her to class and provides special highlights in the school day. Under the guidance of Ilka Schneider and the strict eyes of the children in Grade 1, our little four-legged friend successfully completed his training as a school dog at the beginning of March 2022.

Duke of Edinburgh's International Award

doe 2 kopie

According to the motto “Becoming aware of your hidden power” of the “Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award”, our Grade 9 students face challenges outside the classroom. The world’s leading award for youth achievement motivates and inspires young people to develop independence and self-determination and to fulfil their potential. The activities encompass the areas of Engagement, Fitness, Talent and Expedition.This non-competitive program leads to new perspectives and attitudes. It enables our students to deepen their existing skills and to enjoy discovering new experiences.


In Grade 9, all students undertake a two-week work placement. The aim of the internship is for the students to gain an insight into an area of work or type of job that is of interest to them. It also serves as an opportunity to experience the world of work, in most cases for the first time. The students get a feel for the importance of personal qualities such as reliability, a sense of responsibility, willingness to perform and manners in a professional environment.

After consulting with the internship coordinator, the students apply for a work placement independently. Students are supervised by a teacher during the internship. After completing the placement, the student asks the company for a brief evaluation. Finally, each student reflects on his or her own experiences and impressions in an internship report.

For many students, the internship ends with an initial vision of their professional future so that they can develop their skills in a more targeted way in the following school years.

Career and study orientation


What will I do after graduating from school? Our senior students in particular are reflecting on this question. We support them in their quest to derive suitable career profiles or areas of study from their inclinations and interests. First and foremost, we are always ready to discuss personal considerations and tentative ideas.

We inform our students about the numerous trade fairs that take place in the Rhine-Main area on this topic and sometimes accompany them to these events (Einstieg Frankfurt, Vocatium Rhein-Main, Stuzubi, Bad Homburger Berufsmesse etc.).

Local universities, e.g. in Darmstadt or Frankfurt, offer information events that provide helpful insights into individual courses of study. Students may take part in taster lectures, including at the accadis Hochschule in degree programmes that are conducted either in German or in English.

Applications to universities abroad, e.g. in the USA or the United Kingdom, are often time-consuming processes. The students can count on our support, as we provide references, pass on information on the student’s achievements and predicted grades, and help with the compilation and submission of the necessary documents.

Discovering Together – School Trips

Out and about in the world

Regular excursions are part of school life and broaden horizons. Even the youngest children connect learning with fun, be it on a trip to the forest or making lanterns for St. Martin.
From Grade 3 onwards, our students go on overnight school trips. In the past years, our year groups visited the following destinations: a mixture of team building, culture, language,  and immersion in nature.


  • Grade 3 – Bad Breuberg
  • Grade 4 – Kaub (Rheingau)
  • Grade 5 – Büdingen
  • Grade 6 – Cologne
  • Grade 7 – Camp Adventure Walsrode
  • Grade 8 – Valencia, Spanien
  • Grade 9 – Duke of Edinburgh Expedition
  • Grade 10 - Weimar

Forest of hearts - Herzenswald

gemeinsam anpacken bildungswald

The commitment of accadis Bildung for sustainability (#accadisgoesgreen) goes beyond the classroom and school buildings. Every year, employees, parents and students plant trees for the new university students as well as the new students at the accadis International School. With this project, accadis Bildung is committed to climate protection and reforestation in the Taunus region.

The project also focusses on the responsible use of nature, the importance of the forest and the transfer of knowledge about natural contexts as well as one's own commitment to the environment.

Reforestation involves planting trees that are particularly suited to thrive in the changing climate conditions. These include: wild cherry, wild apple, wild pear, rock pear, sweet chestnut and walnut trees. In cooperation with the local ‘Herzenswald’ association, a school trip is organised once a year for the younger students so that they can see 'their' trees directly on site and learn more about them.

What accadis stands for

Extracurricular - in the afternoon and during the school holidays

accadis ISB offers students a varied afternoon and holiday programme that can be booked flexibly.

Cocurricular activities


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