Donation for children with cancer

donation for children.with cancer

At the end of January 2019 we welcomed Karin Reinhold-Kranz, chairperson of the board of the association "Hilfe für krebskranke Kinder Frankfurt e. V.", at accadis ISB and presented her with the symbolic cheque of a pre-Christmas fundraising campaign. In total, the impressive amount of €2,819.50 was collected on the Charity Day at the beginning of December.

In various, age-appropriate talks Karin Reinhold-Kranz, herself a mother of a child affected by cancer, explained to our students what it means to get the diagnosis "your child has cancer" and how to live with it. She also spoke about how the association "Hilfe für krebskranke Kinder Frankfurt e.V." supports families in these situations and answered the questions of accadis ISB students. What does the association offer? How can people get involved in the work of the charity? These and many other questions students had prepared in advance together with their teachers.


We would like to take this opportunity to thank all accadis ISB students and their parents for a remarkable commitment during the charity event before Christmas. It is lovely to see how great the willingness is to help people who are not well.

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