We are IB – accadis ISB graduate Bledion Vladi

ib graduate bledion vladi

Bledion Vladi is one of the first accadis ISB IB graduates. How did he feel about his time in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme? What did he particularly like? What challenges did he have to face? What are his next steps? He explains all this in an exciting interview.

Which IB subject was your favorite and why?

I have always been interested in history and therefore history was my favorite subject. Although I read many history books, the subject was very challenging, but it was a lot of fun and I learned a lot.

What was the biggest challenge for you as you prepared for your final exams?

Dealing with stress. I wasn't nervous when I was sitting in the exams, but the time we spent writing the exams was devastating and very stressful. My advice is to mentally prepare for the fact that examination times are long; but you won’t have to answer questions about topics which you haven’t dealt with in class.

What advantages do you see in the IB program?

There are many advantages in the IB program. You learn to be disciplined and to cope with a lot of stress. The IB has is much more demanding than the German Abitur, which is a good preparation for university. In addition, the students learn to be open-minded and to accept other perspectives. An IB graduate is ready to explore the world and make it a little better.

What do you think is necessary to successfully complete the IB program?

I think you have to be very diligent and willing to face unknown challenges and tasks. During the two years in the IB program, the student should be very balanced and should not forget to be socially engaged. CAS ("Creativity Activity Service" – 50 hours each) is a prerequisite for the IB diploma.

What are your next steps? In your free time you successfully teach refugees German. Do you want to go in this direction professionally?

I'm staying with accadis. I would like to study General Management at accadis Hochschule.
I am currently in charge of the e-learning platform "Wir lernen Deutsch'", which currently has over 11,000 subscribers. At the same time, I work with MasterPeace Wiesbaden. They organize intercultural projects and bring people together in Wiesbaden and its surroundings. With the project "The Story Store" we have been nominated for the German Integration Award 2018 of the Hertie Foundation. It is also a project of MasterPeace Wiesbaden; we want to establish an online shop where refugees sell their products. What the future brings, I don’t know yet, but I will definitely continue and try to bring together locals and refugees.

Dear Bledion Vladi, thank you very much for this exciting interview.


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