On Wednesday, 5
February 2020 the Grade 12 students of accadis ISB presented their finished
Extended Essays to the year group below.
What is an Extended
The Extended Essay, a
4,000 word long piece of work, is part of the core of the IB Diploma Programme
and is written during a time period of approximately one year. Each essay is supervised
by a teacher at accadis ISB.
The purpose of the
essay is to give students the opportunity to engage in independent research and
hence to prepare them for the demands of academic work at university. During
the research process the students communicate ideas, have a profound look into
their topic, phrase a suitable research question as well as develop relevant arguments.
Choosing the subject
and deciding the theme
A guiding question and
a subject area are chosen by each student individually, followed by in depth
research and the actual writing of the essay. This year’s graduation cohort
chose topics from the subject areas History, Visual Arts, German and English
Literature, Business and Management and Modern Foreign Languages.
Helpful advice for
Grade 11 students
The students of Grade
11 who are just beginning their Extended Essay process listened interested to
the experiences and challenges of the graduation cohort. After the
presentations they returned to their own essays with helpful advice in mind.