Interview with the Managing Partners

isb gerda meinl kexel

Gerda Meinl-Kexel and Professor Dr. Christoph Kexel

How does accadis ISB differ from other international schools, what makes everyday life at the bilingual school in Ober-Eschbach so special? We spoke to the accadis ISB managing partners, Gerda Meinl-Kexel (ML) and Professor Dr. Christoph Kexel (CK), about this – and about their everyday professional life.

Using only three words – what makes accadis ISB so special?

ML: Bilingual – international – personal.

CK: Welcoming – quality – understanding of values.

How does accadis ISB differ from other bilingual private schools?

ML: We “live” languages particularly intensively as a central element of internationality. In many bilingual schools, German is only a "by-product", and the focus is solely placed on English. Doubtlessly, the English language is more important for advancing in the world than German. Where possible, however, we try to treat both languages taught at accadis ISB on equal footing. This is what we train young people to become world citizens with and what truly defines bilingualism for us.

CK: We offer a family run learning environment. Consequently – and due to the size of our school – we can look after our students individually. 44 nationalities characterize accadis ISB school life.

What needs to be considered in daily interaction?

ML: We treat each other with respect and tolerance.

CK: The culture of students and parents strongly influences the achievement of learning goals. The fact that we combine this with the German mentality makes us so unique.

What does a classic working day look like for you?

ML: After breakfast with my family, I'll be at my desk around 08:30. I talk to the Heads of the individual departments and the Principals, work on strategies, sit at the PC a lot, make telephone calls, work through my appointments and schedule and make sure that processes are adhered to.

CK: As my mother said, our working day starts around 8:00 am during the joint family breakfast. We talk about the upcoming day and exchange ideas - be it organizational, strategic or simply something that has attracted attention. In this manner, we inform ourselves as well as possible; which is not always easy in a family business.

What do you need to work effectively?

ML: I need well-prepared documents and time to work in peace and quiet.

CK: For me, my laptop and also time are important in order to deal with current topics and make decisions. A working day full of appointments is just as effective, of course, as we exchange ideas with our staff. Just as important, however, are quiet moments when it comes to tackling new topics.

What is particularly important to you about accadis ISB?

ML: Our students should receive a high-quality international school education based on current teaching and learning methods – always founded on a broader perspective.

international christoph kexel

CK: Of course, the children we teach and the people who make the school what it is – an inviting place to learn – are particularly important to us. I am proud that we can accompany our students during this part of their lives and help them reach their full potential. If – in addition to one or two additional languages – we manage to equip them with a love of physical activity, of the various subjects as well as a healthy understanding of values, then I feel reinforced in my educational idealism.

What has been the biggest challenge for you at accadis ISB so far?

ML: To introduce the culture of trust into the school as a value.

CK: Three instants come to mind: the new school building, the new sports hall and the first IB year. This is associated with accreditation and our steep learning curve.

What is your vision for accadis ISB in ten years?

ML: I have two goals. Firstly, I would like to expand the number of bilingual kindergarten programs in the region, because the foundation of every good education is laid at an early age. During this phase you can achieve great things. Secondly, I would like accadis to be perceived even more as a source for integrated educational opportunities in Bad Homburg – from kindergarten to doctoral degree.

CK: I envision accadis ISB as nationally acknowledged for its values and educational goals. The parents increasingly actively share with us the perspective that an international education starts at kindergarten age, continues through primary school and ends with the International Baccalaureate Diploma. I am already looking forward to the upcoming graduation ceremony with many great graduates, who will make accadis ISB known throughout the world.

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