What Your Child Learns in Preschool

accadis preschool morning circle

Infancy has an immense influence on the personality and further development of a child. That is why we regularly adapt the program of the Preschool groups at accadis International School Bad Homburg to pedagogical and methodological developments. The accadis ISB Preschool Principals, Sandra Josephowitz and Katja Reinders, detail the Preschool program below.

The Immersion Method

The basis of the accadis ISB curriculum is the immersion method. The children bilingually immerse themselves into the languages English and German from day one onwards. In each group there are two teachers – one English-speaking and one German-speaking. In the sense of "one face, one language", each teacher exclusively communicates with the children in his or her mother tongue.

Individually Supervised

It is particularly important for us to promote each child holistically. We pay attention to the children's individuality, awaken the joy of learning, promote linguistic expression, communicative knowledge, motor skills, cognitive and creative abilities.

Daisies and Sunflowers

Our Preschool groups are age-mixed. Thus, the younger children benefit from the older ones. The children in the Daisy groups are two or three years old. The children in the Sunflower groups are three to five years old. The weekly schedule for the three to five year olds includes a lot of exercise indoors and outdoors, handicrafts and painting as well as time for free play and the first school elements such as learning letters and numbers.

The day begins

Even in Preschool, day structures give the children security. In the morning circle, the children get to know the seasons, the calendar and the weather during 30 minutes of play – the older children even get to know the letter of the week. Using a playful approach, they look at colorful pictures with objects whose names begin with the respective letter. In this way, we work through the complete alphabet during one school year.

accadis preschool playground

Consolidating the Alphabet

The letter of the week accompanies the Sunflower children beyond the morning circle. Every week we read them stories in which it often appears. They also design worksheets dealing with the letter of the week. Thus they gradually consolidate their knowledge of the alphabet. Many Sunflower children can write some letters at the end of Preschool.

The World of Numbers

The older Preschool children learn numbers in a similar way – up to 20 digits during the year. Mathematics as a school subject is taught from the Primary Class entrance level . Sunflower children already have some basic numeric skills for this school subject and have less inhibitions about this course.

Little Artists

Art and creativity have a firm place in the accadis ISB Preschool weekly schedule. The children paint or do handicrafts on a daily basis, e g. season respective. Even during free play in the group, they let their creativity run free every day.

accadis preschool excercise room


Sport and fresh air are an integral part of the daily program. This is why the Preschool children play on the accadis ISB playground at least one hour a day. In addition, they do age-appropriate sports in the Preschool exercise room. Here we work together with the sports teachers of the other accadis ISB school levels. We cover all elementary movement areas of early childhood development such as climbing, balancing, running, jumping and throwing.

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