We Are accadis ISB - Our Teachers Introduce Themselves | Benjamin Pedreño-Weber


„We are ISB“ – for our new interview section we talked with accadis ISB sports teacher Benjamin Pedreño-Weber (PW).

Since when have you been part of the accadis ISB team?

PW: I have been part of the team since August 2013.

What tasks are part of your occupational routine?

PW: One of the most important tasks is planning. At the beginning of each school year the sports teachers team plans all classes’ lessons. Thus we only have to meet for a few minutes on Mondays to discuss how the week will develop. Nevertheless we contact each other regularly during the week to see if everything is working out or if we have to change any activities. We value communication.

What elements of your work do you enjoy most?

PW: The harmony and good mood within the team enable us to convey these two values to our students. The children are highly motivated to show their talent and “appetite” for sports in the gym. That is a lot of fun for us teachers.

Did you always want to become a sports teacher?

PW: No. For years I tried to become a soccer player (until I turned 20). I was a member of well-known teams as for instance Sevilla FC or Cádiz CF (junior team). I practiced and played with famous soccer players such as Sergio Ramos or Jesús Navas. But in the end I luckily got the opportunity to work at accadis ISB. I still play soccer and train a junior team. Though it wasn’t my first plan to become a sports teacher, sports was and still is an important part of my life.

What are your priorities in teaching?

PW: I value communication, respect, education and manners. To my mind those aspects are always important, no matter if the taught subject is Sports, German, Spanish or Maths. These four elements can build a healthy basis for sports lessons.


What is your favorite sport?

PW: Soccer. But I also like to play tennis or volleyball (most exciting at the beach), riding the bike…

What do you think is the main essence in sports – to win, teamwork or helping your body stay healthy?

PW: It depends on where you are and what you want to achieve and how. I personally like team sports, in which the team members have to help each other to reach their goal. To my mind, a good type of sport has to have a bit of every aspect. The type of sports has to improve your health, help you develop the ability to be an active part of a team – and if you win, you will have a lot of fun.

Dear Benjamin Pedreño-Weber, thank you very much.

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