New LED interior lighting – accadis goes green

new led interior lighting

When it comes to environmental protection, accadis ISB is a role model for students, their families and society as a whole. With the help of the National Climate Protection Initiative, we renovated the interior lighting of the school buildings since 2018. For the latest project CMS electric GmbH (Flörsheim, Hesse) installed the highly efficient "wtec smartengine" LED lighting system which consists of LED light fixtures with sensors. This will allow us to save 78 percent electricity in the new accadis ISB building in the future. This corresponds to about 28 tons of CO2 per year and leads to 556 tons of CO2 saved over the entire service life of the lighting technology.

Each light fixture individually controllable

Gateways supply and control all LEDs centrally via one data cable. This makes it possible to dim and control each fixture individually as required within seconds. In addition, a close-meshed sensor network records information on room temperature, daylight incidence, movement and power consumption in real time. Thanks to the data provided by the system, accadis ISB can efficiently adapt its savings strategy to new conditions in the future.

Learning just like in the sunshine

LED lights do not contain harmful substances such as mercury and do not emit UV or infrared light. Although they are regarded as electronic scrap at the end of their lives, most of their raw materials are recyclable. LED lamps also generate less heat than light bulbs. The LED light spectrum is similar to that of sunlight and assures a pleasant learning environment in every classroom. Thanks to flicker-free and uniform lighting, the bilingual school fosters students' ability to concentrate, thereby allowing them to achieve their learning goals more quickly and easily.

LED lamps live longer 

The LEDs that will provide light at accadis ISB in the future will shine for up to 100,000 hours. At the end of their lives, they don't just "go out" like light bulbs, but increasingly shine less strongly. On average, only about two out of one million LED lamps fail at an earlier point in time. The new LED lighting is therefore maintenance-free for many years. After we had already equipped the new building with LED lights in 2016, we are proud to be able to tick off another item on the „green list“.

National Climate Protection Initiative

With the National Climate Protection Initiative, the Federal Environment Ministry has initiated and supported numerous projects since 2008 that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Its programs and projects cover a broad spectrum of climate protection activities: This stretches from the development of long-term strategies to concrete support and investment measures. This diversity guarantees good ideas. The National Climate Protection Initiative helps to anchor climate protection locally. It benefits consumers as well as companies, municipalities and educational institutions.

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