accadis International School Bad Homburg
is collecting donations for its new charity partner - VITA e.V. Assistenzhunde,
a non-profit organization that provides assistance dogs to persons with
physical disabilities, thus helping them to become more independent and enjoy a
better quality of life.
A friend for life
VITA would like to bring together those people
whose lives would be enhanced by having such a four-legged partner in the form
of a trained assistance dog. These dogs are carefully selected for this special
task and there are stringent requirements for the health of the animals. After
a 15-month sponsorship period with qualified VITA sponsors, the journey for the
four-legged friends continues to the training center in Hümmerich, where the
previously gained knowledge is intensified and the dogs are specifically
trained for their later task as assistance or therapy dogs. Not only with
adults - but especially with children the fully-trained dogs often work small
miracles - psychologically, physically, sociologically and cognitively.
"Medicine on four paws"
before the start of the summer holidays the accadis mascot "Blue"
wandered through the classrooms of accadis ISB and collected donations for VITA
from teachers on behalf of the organization. At the same time, the parents of
accadis ISB pupils were invited to donate to the charity. Unfortunately, due to
Covid-19 it was not possible to provide a personal introduction of the
assistance dogs on site. However, the organization introduced itself through
the parents' portal using a presentation and video. VITA does not receive any
public funding for its work, nor do health insurance companies cover any costs.
The association is financed exclusively by donations, supporting members and
sponsors. Every donation counts, because a trained assistance dog costs on
average 25,000 Euros. Since the dogs perform everyday tasks for people after
their training and are an important partner and friend for them, it is
definitely worth the investment. We hope to be able to welcome the organization
personally at accadis ISB in the coming school
year and also to get to meet the one or
other assistance dog.
In total, 1,294.44 Euros were collected. Many thanks to all donors!