digital revolution is advancing both our economy and society. In addition there
is a repeated public debate whether education should also be digitalized. Dr.
Christoph Kexel, Managing Partner of accadis International School Bad Homburg,
sees advantages in a digital-oriented education. The bilingual accadis ISB
curriculum includes numerous digital elements so that the students learn to
master digital challenges.
for the Career
„Every employer assumes that employees act with
confidence in today’s digital world“, says Dr. Christoph Kexel who holds
lectures and does research in the Internet and Social Media Marketing sector at
accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg. Furthermore the labor market is changing
rapidly. While many workplaces are eliminated as more and more processes become
digitalized, companies at the same time need employees who are able to control
these processes. Hence digitalization is an important part of the accadis ISB
everyday school life. „From Grade 3 onwards we slowly introduce the students to
the use of laptops“, says Dr. Christoph Kexel. „From Grade 5 onwards our
students regularly use accadis ISB laptops in class.“ Also the classrooms have enjoyed
a digital upgrade. „Interactive smartboards have replaced the old blackboards.“
the students‘ impartiality
Even today some parents still are against
digitalized learning. „There seems to be a double moral“, says Dr. Christoph
Kexel. „The parents themselves awaken the affinity to digitalization at home
long before the children go to school. Even toddlers are able to play with
smartphones these days. Some parents also buy children computers with
age-appropriate educational games.“ To Dr. Christoph Kexel this behavior has
advantages. „Unlike their parents, most children deal with digital technology
in a natural manner. They lack the inhibition of older generations which did
not grow up in the digitalized world.“ The school can preserve both the
impartiality and joy of dealing with the digitalization and enrich them with
knowledge. „At the latest when they are grown-up, most of the students will use
computers at work, be it as a manager, in retail or as a car mechanic. As a
school we can introduce them to simple digital processes. Thus they learn that
one can use digitalization in more ways than just hunting for Pokémon.“